Trauma Medical Clinic | Dimaro - Val di Sole - Dimaro Folgarida, Provincia autonoma di Trento

Indirizzo: Via Campiglio, 138, 38025 Dimaro Folgarida TN, Italia.
Telefono: 0463636236.
Sito web:
Specialità: Ospedale privato.

Opinioni: Questa azienda ha 3 recensioni su Google My Business.
Media delle opinioni: 3.7/5.

Posizione di Trauma Medical Clinic | Dimaro - Val di Sole

La Trauma Medical Clinic è una clinica privata situata a Dimaro - Val di Sole, precisamente all'indirizzo Via Campiglio, 138, 38025 Dimaro Folgarida TN, Italia. La clinica è facilmente raggiungibile chiamando il numero di telefono 0463636236 o visitando il loro sito web ufficiale all'indirizzo

La Trauma Medical Clinic è specializzata in molte aree della medicina, tra cui l'ortopedia, la chirurgia, la fisioterapia e la riabilitazione. La clinica offre servizi di alta qualità e attrezzature di ultima generazione per garantire la migliore assistenza possibile ai propri pazienti. L'obiettivo della clinica è quello di fornire un servizio completo e personalizzato per soddisfare le esigenze di ogni paziente.

La Trauma Medical Clinic è situata in una posizione ideale per chi cerca una clinica specializzata in medicina sportiva e riabilitazione. Grazie alla sua posizione, la clinica è in grado di offrire terapie e trattamenti specifici per chi pratica sport in montagna o per chi vuole semplicemente mantenersi in forma.

La Trauma Medical Clinic ha ricevuto un totale di 3 recensioni su Google My Business, con una media delle opinioni di 3.7/5. Questo dato mostra la qualità e l'affidabilità della clinica, nonché l'impegno costante nel garantire la migliore assistenza possibile ai propri pazienti.

Recensioni di Trauma Medical Clinic | Dimaro - Val di Sole

Trauma Medical Clinic | Dimaro - Val di Sole - Dimaro Folgarida, Provincia autonoma di Trento
Mantas Gl

We had a little accident while skiing and the medics helped us a lot by firstly inspecting the hand that was hurt, then nicely asked us some questions about what the next steps would be and put all of our equipment into their car and drove us to the hospital. While driving to the hospital they were very communicative and friendly. When we arrived, we quickly filled all of the papers and were sat on the X-Ray in less than 3 minutes and had a diagnosis very quickly. Then we had the doctor put the bone back in place and make a cast. Everything was very fast and pretty much painless. Also it's nice to mention that all of the time, the medics waited outside and really helped us with dealing either emotions. 10/10 Would definitely visit it any day of the week. Very innovative and well-equipped clinic. Loved every second while being there. Even left the clinic with a smile because of the lovely job everyone did!

Trauma Medical Clinic | Dimaro - Val di Sole - Dimaro Folgarida, Provincia autonoma di Trento
Jacek Stefanek

I DEFINITELY DO NOT RECOMMEND! THE CLINIC IS A SCAMMER WHO FRAUDS PEOPLE AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. They probably don't have authorization to perform X-rays, but they bring all the patients there and then lie that unfortunately the equipment doesn't work and they have to go to Bolzano, as if it used to work. Fortunately, I wasn't tricked into driving to Bolzano, but I know many cases where they did just that. In addition, they performed an examination where the doctor touched me in two places on my chest and said that it was not a broken rib (then I did examinations elsewhere and they took care of me properly and it turned out that it was broken). They charged me 412 euros for going to Dimaro from Marilleva and having a worthless examination. It is definitely better to go to the clinic at Marilleva 1400, where they will take care of you properly right away.

STANOWCZO NIE POLECAM! KLINIKA TO OSZUŚCI KTÓRZY NACIĄGAJĄ LUDZI I UBEZPIECZALNIE. Prawdopodobnie nie mają autoryzacji na wykonywanie Roentgen ale wszystkich pacjentów tam przywożą by potem kłamać, że niestety sprzęt nie działa i trzeba jechać do Bolzano, tak jakby kiedyś działał. Ja na szczęście nie dałem się w wrobić w jazdę do Bolzano, ale znam wiele przypadków gdzie właśnie tak postępowali. Do tego wykonali mi badanie gdzie lekarz dotknął mnie w dwóch miejscach na klatce piersiowej i stwierdził, że raczej nie jest złamane żebro ( potem zrobiłem badania gdzie indziej i zajęli się mną porządnie i okazało się, że jednak złamane). Za pojechanie do Dimaro z Marillevy i nic nie warte badanie policzyli mnie 412 euro. Zdecydowanie lepiej pójść do kliniki na Marilleva 1400 tam od razu zajmą się Tobą porządnie.

Trauma Medical Clinic | Dimaro - Val di Sole - Dimaro Folgarida, Provincia autonoma di Trento
Alex Ghiurca

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